Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas stocking Holders!

I absolutely Love Christmas!!! This year I was in need of new stocking holders but I didn't want traditional ones, I wanted something a little different. If anyone knows me, they know that something else I enjoy beyond anything else is hanging out in my pajamas(fleece-rarely am I hanging out in Victoria Secrets pjs --I have kids you know). However, it seems that my kids have picked up my nasty pj habit(they enjoy pjs as much as me and when I say that it is a pajama day they get excited). This year I wanted to capture the pj moments I wanted our stocking holders to embrace it as well so I made picture frame stocking holders with the intention to place a picture of my kids in each frame above their stockings!

What you need:
A picture frame ( I chose 4x6 in gold that I found at the dollar store, you could find one you like and paint it any color you want)
wooden Letters(I chose JOY)
Paint for the letters(I chose smashing red-just because lets face it, red is an amazing color)
Screw in hooks

How to
Paint your letters
Then hot glue them to your frame
screw in your hooks at the base of the frame

Perfection and just as easy as ordering take out!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

I have the Christmas season bug and it is upon us! I love this season the most, the reason why is for one I love to shop! Yes, I haven't always been a shopper that has really surfaced since I had my daughter, but I can honestly say I am a addict but I am a frugal shopping addict--never do I buy anything at whole retail price and always find a bargain! This season is beautiful and today as my little one takes a nap I have been searching on my favorite blogs on how can spruce up my decor for the holidays recently I came across this blog post and I really can't wait to do this for stocking holders! Too cute to share!
Cinaberry Suite